
Natural Nutrition Consultations Diet is the foundation to health. What you feed your companion really matters. We support fresh food feeding e.g. home cooked and raw food diets. However we understand that nutrition is a spectrum and will be guided by your preferences. At Herbal Vet Scotland we offer a range of nutritional consultation services including: Basic Nutrition Consultation- What is the best food to feed, how much, BCS, changing the diet etc. Diet Audit- A look at what you are currently feeding and advise on nutritional excess and deficiency and ways to correct these. Dietary Formulations- A bespoke diet is put together for your animal. All aspects are considered including life stage, body condition score, activity level, dietary preferences, allergies and sensitivities and any health conditions your animal has. These diets are balanced to FEDIAF standards. Clinical guidelines for certain diseases are adhered where appropriate, such as renal disease.
Holistic Consultations
Initial consultations are 60-minute appointments.
- Discussion of history and info from intake form
- Full clinical examination
- Full Traditional Chinese Medicine Examination
- Any additional tests we feel is relevant (will vary depending on case) eg microbiome analysis
- Nutritional review
- Formulation of an individual treatment plan
- Formulation of diet plan
- Acupuncture treatment
- Dispense herbal medications (stock dependent)
- Discuss relevant time frame for review
- Contact primary vet practice

Before acupuncture is given your pet will be examined to assess the condition being treated. As we at Herbal Vet Scotland believe in holistic practice we will assess more than just the presenting complaint and look at things like diet too. Acupuncture can be used to inhibit pain pathways and can also cause the release of hormones and chemical messengers in the body resulting in more generalised pain relief.
Our vets are qualified in both the western approach to acupuncture and hold a diploma in traditional Chinese acupuncture through the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society.
Acupuncture can be used for a range of clinical conditions or diseases including:
Muskuloskeletal diseases such as arthritis, disc disease, traumatic nerve injury
Respiratory problems such as feline asthma
Skin problems such as lick granulomas and allergic dermatitis
Gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea
Selected reproductive problems

All of the herbs we use at Herbal Vet Scotland are the highest possible grade and quality. We carry a wide array of herbal products. We only use ethical products - either wild-harvested or organically grown.
After carrying out a thorough examination we select an array of herbs to suit your animals needs and blend them into a tailor-made mix, specifically for them.
Herbs are used to help maintain optimal health within the body. Health is not merely an absence of disease, but the proper functioning of all the body systems, working synergistically together.
To find out more about herbal medicine clinic on this link:
Additional Services

Health Checks
We firmly believe prevention is better than cure. At a health check, your animal will receive a full western clinical exam, a Traditional Chinese Medicine exam, evaluation of diet as well as appropriate further tests.

Chiropractic Treatment
safe, gentle, specific spinal manipulation to free joints in the spine or other areas of the body that are not moving freely. This technique is often combined with acupuncture to form a truly holistic approach

Microbiome Testing
Your animals gut is filled with good bacteria essential for many functions within the body. Microbiome testing allows us to see which areas your animal needs support with then form a tailored treatment and diet plan for their specific needs.

Rehabilitation and home exercise plans
we aim to return your animal to their best possible function - be that better mobility, strength, gait, balance, flexibility, or any of the other things their bodies need to be able to do for them to carry out their daily lives.